How does coaching work?

Coaching is focused on solutions rather than problems. It provides you with a supportive and non-judgemental space to discuss things that are important to you. You will be asked questions that encourage you to think differently and to explore different opportunities.

We make an initial telephone appointment to chat about what it is that you’d like to achieve during the coaching relationship. Then we may schedule regular appointments, usually fortnightly to begin with and sometimes moving to monthly if you continue for a longer term.

You get to choose what you want to work on in each session and the coach may provide you with action steps to complete between appointments. The coach will keep you accountable for doing the things that you say you are going to do.

Are you a right coach for me?
The best way to find out if the coach is the right person to be working with you is to have a chat to them. Maja is committed to only working with clients she believes she can help.

How is Life Coaching different from Executive Coaching?
The process is extremely similar however the emphasis is different.  In Executive Coaching the coach addresses the demands on individuals within their corporate or business life.

Please see the Executive Coaching page for more information.

How do I really know I will get results?
Please refer to the Testimonials page to see what others have achieved.

In coaching, the outcomes will depend on the energy, time and effort you are willing to invest. The coach can support you and hold you accountable to extend yourself for optimum achievement but in the end it comes down to your commitment to your future.

What is the difference between coaching, counselling and mentoring?
Coaching focuses on your future. It looks at how can you move forward and achieve results. Coaching aims to provide solutions using the coaches’ skills, training and experience to bring out your personal/professional best.  Counselling generally looks at the present and focuses on the past, while a Mentor usually offers guidance based on his/her personal experience in a particular field.

What is appropriate to talk about in Coaching?
You can discuss just about anything in your coaching program provided it is legal and is working towards a positive outcome in your life.

How soon can I see you?
Maja’s appointments are often booked out some time in advance. If she is not able to accommodate you to fit you in within your preferred time fame, you’ll be added to a waitlist.

Is coaching expensive?
Coaching isn’t cheap, but consider the impact of not achieving your goals, not having a plan for the future or the impact of living a life that is less than enjoyable (for example being in a career that you loathe). Coaching might become a necessity, not a luxury.

For some clients, coaching is a one off expense. For others, coaching is an ongoing commitment because it offers an opportunity to regroup, re-align their priorities and focus on what’s important. As one client said ‘This is ME time’.

Can I be coached by you, even though I do not live in Melbourne Australia?
You don’t have to be physically located in Melbourne to be coached by me. Phone or Skype coaching is just as effective. In fact Maja has coached clients in other countries without any difficulties.

Is telephone or Skype coaching really as effective as face to face coaching?
You will be surprised at how effective telephone/Skype coaching is. It’s time efficient (no travel or parking issues) and because you are really focused on listening, the conversations get to the core of the issue pretty quickly. Give it a try. You might be relieved to find out that your coach is only a phone call away.

Where do you see your clients for in-person sessions?
I meet with clients at the Heidelberg Simply Well clinic.

How long do people generally continue with coaching?
The duration of each client’s coaching journey will vary as change doesn’t occur overnight. The coach cannot promise that three sessions of coaching will completely transform your life. It can happen, but you need to have realistic expectations.

Most people find that six sessions is the minimum but you’re welcome to begin with three sessions and later on upgrade your program as needed. Three to six months is a realistic time frame to make permanent change in your life. Some clients continue indefinitely, making regular appointments while others come back for further coaching as their life changes.

What are your ethical standards?
Coaching industry is governed by the ethical standards set out by the International Coach Federation. I am committed to providing a professional service with a guarantee of confidentiality. Prior to you beginning the coaching arrangement, you will be provided with a Coaching Agreement outlining the terms of business.

Can I get more information?
To arrange an appointment or to discuss your needs further, please contact Maja Walker via the Contact page.